We take great care in how we cultivate, harvest, prepare, and formulate every plant that we work with. We grow the plant the way nature intended and prepare it in a way that preserves the essence of that plant. We have many plants that grow back every spring and others that we propagate from seed every season. Soil health is key when cultivating plants, and it is something we take great pride in. We have been building our soil for over 20 years. We use absolutely zero pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or any other types of chemicals. We use a hose filter when watering our plants as to not contaminate them with chlorine or other harmful chemicals contained in tap water. We also wash our plants with filtered water during harvest.
When harvesting, we set an intention and express gratitude for the plant. We hand pick the herb and tincture it fresh. Fresh plant tinctures are far more potent as compared to dry plant tinctures. The reason for this is that many volatile aromatic oils evaporate when a plant is dried. We can preserve more of the wholeness of the plant by tincturing it fresh.
Once the herb has been harvested, we place a measured amount into a blender and blend it with a specific ratio of organic alcohol and filtered water. Each plant requires a different alcohol to water ratio, but 50/50 is the most common. Then we let the preparation sit for 6 weeks. During this period, we regularly shake the jars to maximize the potency of the herbal preparation.
After the 6 week period, we open the jars and press the contents using a high quality professional tincture press, yielding a beautiful and potent herbal tincture. Our press gets every last drop of extract. This potent preparation is then carefully formulated by hand into a 2 oz dropper bottle for your convenience. Now the power of the plants can be integrated anytime, anywhere. Tinctures are the most convenient herbal preparations. I love taking my tinctures after each meal, and whenever I leave the house, my tinctures travel with me!
We hope you enjoyed learning about our herbal preparation process.
See you on the next blog post,
Patryk Chrzanowski
In-house Herbalist