The Art of Custom Formulation

Custom formulation is a delicate balance between science and art. The mission of the herbalist is to match the unique herb to the unique person. Each plant is unique, just like each person has a unique personality, a unique sense of self, and a unique life experience. Every plant has a certain set of constituents, as well as energetics. Some plants are hot and pungent (i.e. cayenne, ginger, horseradish) while others are cooling (i.e. lemon balm, nettle, dandelion, plantain). Herbs can be drying or moistening. Herbs can also tonify or relax. The art of formulation comes in the form of balancing energetics in order to harmonize a formula.

When crafting a custom formula, we look to address your primary concern, taking into account as much information as we are provided. This is where a diagnosis from a medical professional or a deeper understanding of your symptom pattern is very helpful. We may follow up with you for more information in order to craft the right herbal preparation that serves your unique self. 

We appreciate you and look forward to helping you heal yourself and enter into a higher state of being.

Patryk Chrzanowski

In-house Herbalist

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